Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions for your assistance.

Where are you located?
We serve homeschooling families residing in and around the Willmar, Minnesota area. Activity locations vary.

Does WASH offer a co-op?
No, not at this point. WASH does sponsor periodic classes to supplement your homeschooling experience. WASH-sponsored classes are advertised through our monthly newsletter.

What services does WASH offer?
Typically WASH provides monthly newsletters, periodic field trips, a membership directory, a business directory, and many other activities. WASH also is the liaison between MACHE (MN's state homeschooling support group) and WASH members.

How much are the dues?
Dues for 2021-2022 are $30. (After January 1, families can join for $15) Anyone who cannot afford to pay dues should discuss the matter with the board. We provide grants to families with financial needs.

How often do you have field trips?
It depends on the month! WASH attempts to provide one or two opportunities per month. WASH members are encouraged to plan field trips for the membership-based on WASH Board approval.

Is this a Christian-based organization?
Yes. Please read our by-laws. In order to become a member, you must accept and sign our by-laws which contain a basic Christian statement of faith.

Is WASH family-oriented?
Yes. This group is a family-oriented group that encourages all family members to be involved as much as possible. We strongly encourage board members to be husband and wife teams. We desire to encourage the entire family in the home-schooling endeavor. Some field trips and activities will be organized that do have some age or grade limitations based on the content of the event.

Does WASH publish a newsletter?
Currently, we have a monthly newsletter. Your newsletter will come to you via postal mail, email, and a copy will be available on the website. If you do not want a paper copy in the mail, please let us know.